1. Open photo
2. Crop (width 3.5 cm height 4.5 cm resolution 300)
3. Press f9 to open action
4. Click new set button at the bottom of the box
5. Name it as set 1 and press ok
6. Press new action button from the bottom
7. Name it as pass photo and set the function key as f2, f3, f4…
8. Press CTRL + A to select
9. Press CTRL + C to copy
10. Press CTRL + N for new page and select 4 x 6 page from preset
11. Go to image in the menu bar and rotate canvas to 90 degree CW
12. Press CTRL + V to paste
13. Adjust that one pass photo to one corner
14. Go to blending option and select stroke with radius “5” position “center” and colour “black” [this adds border to your pass photo]
15. Press CTRL + J to duplicate
16. Drag down and place it below the 1st photo
17. Press CTRL + E to merge these 2 photo
18. Again press CTRL +J and adjust
19. And repeat until you have 8 perfect photo on your canvas
20. Stop your recording from the action window
21. Click on set 1
22. Save your action [to save click >> button from the action window]
How to use action to
automatically make your pass photo next time?
1. Once saved you can try pressing function key you have set earlier in the step you will get a pass photo.
2. To make pass photo from other photos
3. Open Photoshop
4. Open action box [if there is no actions loaded press >> and load actions]
5. Open image
6. Crop [don’t forget to check dimensions]
7. Press the function key you have set earlier
8. You are ready to go
If you faced problems share your problems in the comment
section and don’t forget to share with your friends who might need this